Data Handling Disclaimer


At TipoType, we understand the importance of protecting our customers’ personal information. This document outlines our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, storage, and protection of data, in alignment with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1. Data Collection

We collect only the data necessary for communication with our customers and for processing their orders. This data includes, but is not limited to, contact information, payment details, and purchase preferences. Data is collected through online forms and contracts.

2. Purpose of Use

The collected data is used exclusively to facilitate communication with our customers and to ensure efficient order processing. We do not use the data for other purposes, such as marketing, without the express consent of our customers.

3. Storage and Security

All data is stored on secure servers that employ advanced technologies to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, or improper disclosure.

4. Data Sharing

We do not share our customers’ data with third parties under any circumstances.

5. Regulatory Compliance

We adhere to the principles and regulations of the GDPR to ensure that our customers’ personal data is handled with the highest level of protection and transparency.

6. User Rights

Our customers have the right to access, rectify, and delete their data at any time. To exercise these rights, they may contact us directly via our contact form.

7. Retention Period

We retain our customers’ data indefinitely under the aforementioned conditions. However, data may be deleted upon the customer’s request, thereby ensuring their right to privacy.

8. Policy Updates

Any changes to our data handling policies will be published on our website. We recommend that our customers periodically review this document to stay informed of any updates.

Publication date: August 2024