Code of Conduct and Ethics


At TipoType, we are committed to acting with integrity, respect, and social responsibility in all our business and operational relationships. This code outlines the principles that guide our decisions and behaviors, aiming to maintain strong and trustworthy relationships with our customers, suppliers, and collaborators.

1. Core Values

Our guiding principles are integrity, respect, and social responsibility. We believe in acting ethically and contributing positively to society, focusing our actions on doing what is right.

2. Commitment to Quality

We strive to ensure the quality of our typefaces through a rigorous testing process and continuous evaluations based on customer feedback. We are committed to responding promptly to all inquiries and concerns, maintaining an open and constructive dialogue.

3. Social Responsibility

We actively participate in social responsibility initiatives, such as fundraising campaigns for children in need of surgeries or medical treatments. We continue to seek meaningful ways to support our communities.

4. Diversity and Inclusion

We value diversity in our team and business relationships. Race, gender, religion, or other factors do not influence our decisions. We work with collaborators from various nationalities and foster an environment of inclusion and mutual respect.

5. Confidentiality and Privacy

We treat all information exchanged with our customers with the highest level of confidentiality. We adhere to the privacy policies established on our website and, when necessary, sign confidentiality agreements to ensure the protection of information.

6. Legal Compliance

We strictly follow all laws and regulations in the markets where we operate. Legal compliance is a priority for us, ensuring that all our operations are transparent and respect the applicable legal framework.

7. Customer and Supplier Relationships

Our business relationships are based on the principles of honesty, clarity, common sense, and constant dialogue. We always seek the best options for our customers, acting with transparency and fairness in every interaction.

8. Ethical Conduct at Work

Although we are a small company, our collaborators and partners work under the principles of integrity, respect, and professionalism. Diversity is valued, and inappropriate behaviors, such as harassment or conflicts of interest, have no place in our work environment.

Publication date: August 2024